Hey There!
It is been a while since I wrote to you. I have been going through a transition and will be back to you most consistently soon.
Today, I want to share a note from Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, which I thought you needed to read. I hope it makes a difference to you in your journey. [Hit the reply button and send me a note if you find this helpful].
“There is a deep existential lesson in the fact your being is limited, flawed, and fragile. You are like the genie in the little tiny lamp in “Aladdin”: You have immense potential, but you are constrained to a small living space. But because you have limitations, the plot of your life is the overcoming of those limitations. If you did not have limitations, there would not be a plot — and, maybe, there would be no life. So perhaps that is part of the reason you have to accept the fact you are flawed and insufficient and live with it; then, consider it a precondition for being. That is, at least, a reasonable idea.
Further, it is possible to allow your potential to disappear. When Peter Pan, for example, considers Captain Hook, he questions why he should grow up and sacrifice all the potential of childhood. The answer is that the potential will sacrifice itself if you do not utilize it as you mature. After all, you would just end up a 40-year-old lost boy, which is horrifying to behold. It would almost be as if you were the living corpse of a child. A 6-year-old 40-year-old is a little on the stale side by that point and certainly not the world’s happiest individual.
Your potential will disappear if you do not utilize it. You will age, so you might as well shape that potential in a particular direction and at least become something — no matter how limited — rather than nothing.”
There is a drop of greatness in every person. Marianne Williamson puts it this way:
“We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I hope that you are reminded to let loose your potential for the good of the world!
It all starts with our mindset for our potential to be unleashed