One's PURPOSE is the reason for his/her existence; the original specific assignment attached by the Creator to one's life, which becomes his/her contribution path in life. This [purpose] in turn leads one to his/her end which becomes their DESTINY. Destiny is therefore one's designed ultimate end in life. As in where the sum total of their purposeful living will take them, in this life & beyond. Or, what their purpose is meant to achieve in life.
ANOINTING is God's oil, Presence or seal upon a man for living his life assignment [purpose] in other to fulfil their destiny. It’s God's endorsement of a man that causes him to function supernaturally where God plants them.
AMBITION, in turn is what a man pursues; that which is usually of his own will and that which he seeks to achieve FOR HIMSELF. It’s possible to make God your ambition, therefore using it to pursue purpose…into destiny.
On the pages of Scriptures with find purpose & destiny brought to bear in the teachings of Paul. In Ephesians 1.5,9,10,11,12,13,14; Romans 8.28b,29,30.
These scriptures spell out how the life of anyone who meets with Christ will find purpose in order to enter God's destiny. Roman 28b says we are called "ACCORDING TO (in the pattern of) His purpose. That our lives should be lived "according to". This denotes the pattern. That means what we use our lives for on earth must reflect "His purpose".
Ephesians Above, and indeed Romans, makes it clear that our destiny comes to life in the knowledge of THE SON; and should reflect His that we can become "THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY"[which is becoming of our DESTINY]. This connects with the truth that it is in His purpose that becomes our purpose, that we become the praise of His glory. That’s our purpose and destiny: THAT IN OUR ASSIGNMENT WE WILL REFLECT JESUS AND CHAMPION HIS CAUSE ON EARTH! Our Destiny is ultimately what we become in Him and not in the World; what we allow Him employ us for in this life...leading to the life to come.
In addition, all the others are instruments of one's destiny...they are to function to deliver one to his/her Creator's intended destiny for them.