11 Lies You [subconsciously] Tell Yourself
1. "I'm not ready/good/young/... enough."
- Most of the time we keep telling ourselves.
- Understand, You are enough.
- Keep working to make everything even better, but don't underestimate the strength you already have.
2. I don't have enough time/money.
- It is all about priorities. You spend time/money on your priorities.
- If you think you don't have enough time or money, to reach your goal, you have to revisit your priorities.
3. Someday, I will do this.
- You want to do something, do it right now.
- The way we live and the way we want to live are both very different.
- The resistance to perfectionism, fear of failure, fear of criticism, and fear of change, stop you from being the person you want to be
4. "I'd like to but..."
- You are limiting yourself from doing what you want or from being the person you want to be, with silly excuses
- Let your mind reframe the same to It going to achieve this, so this won’t stop me from reaching my goal.
5. "I don't have the resources I need."
- Time, money, people. Whatever the resource, you likely already have all that you need.
- All of us have the ability to do more with less.
- Bring in your inner energy to boost you forward with the resources you have.
6. "It's too risky."
- Without risk, you will not be able to achieve much in life.
- What happens if I fail? Mostly, the reasons will not be too fearful. The real risk is stagnancy.
7. I don't have a choice.
- You always have a choice, we don't consider our options..
- Consider a third person in that situation, you will be giving them more options.
- Then, try out the same putting yourself in their shoes.
8. If I say this, or do this, people with think I am crazy.
- Nobody cares. Everyone is too caught up with their own life.
- You are good enough to do what you want and say what you think!
9. I'd be happy if I had more money.
- It is a myth. Happiness is not tied to money
- As long as you have money for your necessities, money is not a factor that controls your happiness.
- it is great to have the money to buy things you want. But happiness Does not depend on it
10. If I could change him/her life would be better.
- No. Just no.
- Ever wondered how tough it is to change yourself even when you want to change? why change someone? accept people as they are.
- If you don't like something about them, move away.
11. There's Always Tomorrow
- No, there isn't always tomorrow.
- If you want to make a change that's going to benefit you, why wait till tomorrow?
- take action, and get going right now on the path before you end up thinking that there's always tomorrow - every single day.
Thanks for reading.
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